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GWCL boss shares kidney failure ordeal

Clifford Braimah Clifford Braimah, Managing Director of Ghana Water Company Ltd

Thu, 22 Jun 2023 Source:

Clifford Braimah, the Managing Director of Ghana Water Company Ltd. (GWCL), has urged Ghanaians to adopt a healthy lifestyle and take proactive measures to prevent kidney-related diseases.

Speaking from his personal experience of undergoing a kidney transplant in India four years ago, Braimah emphasised the importance of being cautious about one's diet and overall well-being.

During his appearance on the Asaase Breakfast Show on Thursday (June 22)), Braimah revealed that he had encountered uncontrollable blood pressure issues from 2017 to 2018.

Despite receiving medication, his system would quickly adapt to the drugs, necessitating frequent changes. Consequently, his kidney function was adversely affected, leading him to seek medical attention in India.

Since his transplant surgery, Braimah has taken significant measures to maintain his health. He stated that he has been fortunate not to experience any complications since 2019.

“So, at the end of it, we started having some issues with the kidney,” Braimah recalled. “So, I had to go to India for attention, and since then, I have been very cautious. I have been lucky since 2019.

“I have not had any issue because I took my time to study what caused it and how to maintain it. It is just the latter part of last year, around November, December, that I had to go for review.

“That’s four years after the surgery; that is why I think that if we focus on preventive measures, it will be good than waiting to have the effect to control it,” quoted Braimah as having said.

By studying the factors that contributed to his kidney problems and understanding how to manage them, he has successfully maintained his well-being.

Braimah stressed the importance of preventive measures, emphasising that focusing on proactive steps is more beneficial than waiting until the condition worsens and requires control.

Braimah underwent a review in November-December of last year, marking four years since his surgery.

