
German Embassy awards scholarships

Mon, 19 May 2008 Source: GNA

Accra, May 19, GNA- Mrs Jana Orlowski, Deputy Head of Mission of the German Embassy in Accra, at the weekend handed over the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarships to a number of Ghanaian students.

The students successfully passed a selection process according to their academic achievements and were awarded scholarships worth 156,000 Euros by the DAAD to pursue their Master's or PhD studies in Germany, according to a statement issued in Accra on Monday by the German Embassy.

DAAD is the major German organisation running more than 200 government-sponsored programmes in support of academic co-operation and exchange between Germany and abroad.

Worldwide, per year more than 50,000 international and German students and scientists are sponsored by the DAAD.

Scholarships for International Master's Programme with specific relevance to developing countries were granted to Mr. Dery Joseph Nyeadi and Ms. Rita Esinu Sewornu for the Technische Universit=E4t M=FCnchen, Ms. Eunice Yacoba Eshun at the Technische Universit=E4t Dresden, Mr. Felix Ntim, Mr. Felix Eyahanyo and Mr. Nathaniel Antwi at the Technische Universit=E4t Darmstadt.

Scholarships for PhD have been granted to Mr. Joseph Abazaami, Mr. Eric Oduro-Ofori, Mr. Alexander Marful and Ms. Kafui Ocloo. The statement said two other scholarships had been awarded to Ms Angele Biao and Mr Yawo Agble for participation in German Language and Literature summer courses in Germany. 19 May 08

Source: GNA