
Ghana For Sale To The Highest Bidders - CPP

“The NPP is for sale to the highest bidder according to the Convention People’s Party (CPP), in radio interviews during the weekend in London, noting that the over 20 contestants for the Presidential nomination are reportedly to pay 650 Million Cedis, about $70,000.00, to be allowed to contest for the nomination.

Various officials of the CPP commented that “the NPP seeks to provide liquidity for their party whilst their poor management of corporate Ghana is bankrupting the country, and those who are suffering most are the poor, the old, women and children”.

As the sums in question are several times that of the salaries of Ministers questions must be asked as to how and where the NPP expects the money to come from, the CPP said. “Is this not a recipe fueling corruption?, one CPP official was heard to ask.

The CPP stated that the New Patriotic party is representing a minority of wealthy Ghanaians who are grabbing everything that they can lay their hands on for themselves under the guise of the “party of business, and property owning democracy”, that they are a well financed greed organisation that is busy robbing the Ghanaian people while giving the appearance of being moral crusaders beyond reproach. “Where is the “Patriotism?” in New Patriotic Party” the CPP repeatedly asked at various radio stations.

“Ghanaians have been reduced to beggars by a free spending, free loading and reckless government that hates the over 80% of the population who are poor. What is even more astonishing is the NPP government’s unwillingness to recognise the gravity of their failed approach especially on the energy crisis, the large youth underemployment and unemployment, the high incidence of arm robbery in the country and the way that the country has been turned into a narcotics transit point by South American drug barons, undermining our integrity and threatening our security as a nation”, the CPP officials said.

The Party called for all stakeholders and political parties to urgently meet and help find solutions to the numerous crises facing the country since the NPP on their own have dramatically failed to solve the problems of Ghana. The final points made by the CPP included “despite the money that the NPP is seeking to raise many Ghanaians believe that money will not help them, and that the government was planning to rig the elections, or intimidate the electorate with the recent reports of arms importation into the country through improper channels”

Source: cpp communications directorate(