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Ghana Living Standards Survey Round 7 begins October

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Fri, 21 Oct 2016 Source: Statistical Service

The Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) is undertaking the Seventh Round of the Ghana Living Standards Survey (GLSS-7). The Ghana Living Standards Survey (GLSS) is a nationally representative household survey which provides reliable, disaggregated and internationally comparable welfare and living conditions statistics in Ghana.

It is an important tool in the welfare monitoring system and collects detailed information on demographic characteristics of the population; education, health, employment, migration, housing conditions, household incomes, expenditure and agriculture.

The specific objectives of the survey are:

To provide information on patterns of households’ consumption and expenditure;

? To provide the needed inputs for the construction of a new basket for the next re-basing of the Consumer Price Index (CPI);

? To provide information for up-dating the country’s National Accounts;

? To provide indicators for assessing agriculture activities;

? To provide indicators to monitor the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among others.

GSS wishes to appeal to community leaders (chiefs, queen mothers, assemblymen, youth groups, etc.) and households that have been selected for the survey to provide the interviewers with the needed assistance in the discharge of their duties.

The survey will commence in October, 2016 and end in October, 2017.

Source: Statistical Service