
Ghana Palaver

Thu, 10 Jun 1999 Source: --

Two battles for Ayawaso West Wuogon seat

The Ghana Palaver, in a back page story says the NPP leadership?s hope of capturing power in the year 2000 Elections suffered another set-back as its two prospective parliamentary candidates struggling to Contest the Ayawaso West Wuogon seat have resorted to back-biting and manipulation of the constituency executive. According to the Palaver, the two men, Mr George Isaac Amoo and Alhaji Issaka Inusah, are lobbying to win the approval of the executive.

The paper says the tactics of the better-resourced Alhaji Inusah is said to have infuriated his opponent and his supporters with Mr Amoo considering the option of standing as an independent candidate or to look elsewhere. The Palaver says Alhaji Inusah has managed to win the executive to his side.

According to the paper, with the tacit support of some leading members a letter was secretly sent to the constituency executive to open nominations for the NPP parliamentary primaries in the constituency.

The Palaver alleges that the executive, ?nicodemously? kept silence over the letter which is believed to be the brain-work of Alhaji Inusah.

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