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Ghana Police Carry Condomns In Wallet ?

Thu, 28 Aug 2003 Source: --

According to the Nigerian deputy commissioner of police, Dr. Max M .Uzu, wives of Ghanaian police officers make sure their husband carry their condom wallets, wherever they are going, thereby playing an important role in safe guarding the health of their entire family.

He said this to support his call for men and officers of the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) to commence carrying of "condom wallet" as part of measures to check the spread of HIV/AIDS infections among men and officers of the Force.

Dr. Uzu, who dropped the hint at the zonal launching of HIV/AIDS prevention and control project in Kano on Tuesday pointed out that the system was working "perfectly well in another West African Country, Ghana.

Uzu, a medical doctor, said the reality of the AIDS in Nigeria has made necessary for "more realistic approach to be pursued to control it".

In the same vein an activist and virologist, Mr. Paul Okwulehie, said the North Western region of the country has the least infection cases compared the other area.

The regions HIV statistic, he said, was 3.3 per cent, urging the people to continue to work hard to keep it down.

He, however, said out of every 100 people in the South South region, eight were infected, while in the South East, every six persons out of 100 have been afflicted.

Speaking further, the activist explained that the ratio in the North central zone was seven to every 100 while it is four to every 100 in the South West, adding that four million Nigerians were currently living the disease.

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