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Ghana Presby Church inaugurated in Australia

Mon, 28 Oct 2002 Source: Martin Sannah Kwakwa (Sydney, Australia)

A branch of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana has been formally inaugurated in Sydney, Australia. The church which was established in October 2000, has about 50 adult members.

Respledent in their Women's Fellowship and Men's Fellowship "ntama", members of the church entertained guests with renditions of Presbyterian church hyms to the accompaniment of musical instrument.

The occasion brought together many Ghanaians from across Australia as well as some members of the Presbyterian Church in Australia.

Delivering the sermon, Pastor Sony Opoku urged the many Ghanaians at the function to pray for their homeland and neighbouring Ivory Coast where a military uprising has the potential to destabilise the West Africa sub-region. He urged Ghanaians overseas not to close their eyes and ears to developments in Ghana and Africa, but to take deep interest in them.

At a fund-raising event after the inauguration, about $10,000 was raised to help in the setting up of the Presbyterian University in Ghana. The university will have campuses at Agogo in Ashanti, Abetifi and Akropong-Akwapim, both in the Eastern Region. Earlier this year, the church also made a donation to help in the setting up of the university.

The Australian Presbyterian Church in September 2000 gave the Ghana congregation a chapel and a huge hall.

Source: Martin Sannah Kwakwa (Sydney, Australia)