
Ghana Ranks 136 in Human Dev't

Crowd Welcomes Stars

Thu, 29 Nov 2007 Source: --

... Inches Closer Towards 2000 High Mark
... 78% get less than $2 per day income

Nov 29, 2007 - Ghana ranks as the 135th best country to live in the world according to a United Nation report released today. It moves one place up in regard to the 2006 report, but still seven places down from her high of 128th in 2000 and 1995. (read)

Ghana’s Human Development Index(HDI) value improved from 0.532 to 0.553 - which shows the country inching closer to her highest rate of 0.555 and 0.556 in 1995 and 2000 respectively.

The HDI launched by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) on annual basis measures country’s performance in terms of improvement in life such as life expectancy, education attainment, health indicators and increase in real incomes.

Despite remaining a beacon of democracy, peace and stability in the sub region, the quality of life for most Ghanaians has not seen much improvement and has actaully dipped from the highs of 2000.

The report states that "In Ghana, half of children in the droughtprone northern region are malnourished, compared with 13 percent in Accra" .

The Human Poverty Index shows that there are 44.8% having less than $1 per day income and 78.5% of population lives below $2 per day income in Ghana.

The national poverty line stood at 39.5% in accordance with 2004 data

Ghana is ranked among "medium human development" countries and territories, scoring less than Botwana(124), Namabia(125), Gabon(119) and South Africa(121).

Ghana scores better than Nigeria(158), Senegal(156) and all of it's other west African neigbours.

Iceland, Norway, Australia, Canada and Ireland rank as the best five countries to live.

The 20 worst countries to live in are all from sub-saharan Africa. The worst five are: Mali, Niger, Guinea Bissau, Burkina Faso with Sierra Leone at the bottom of the pack.

Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia were not included in the 177 countries ranked

Selected Data for Ghana

(last year's data in brackets))
  • Life expectancy at birth = 59.1(57)
  • Adult literacy rate (% ages 15 and older) = 57.1(57.9)
  • Combined primary, secondary and tertiary gross enrolment ratio (%) = 50.7 (47.2)
  • GDP per capita (PPP US$) =2480 (2,240)
  • Adult illiteracy rate (%ages 15 and older) 42.1 (42.2)
  • % of People without access to an improved water source = 25 (25)
  • URL Ghana Fact Sheet

Human development index trends for Ghana

Year 1980 1990 19951999 2000 2001 2003 2005 2006 2007
HDI0.4670.511 0.555 0.544 0.556 0.5420.520 0.520 0.5320.553
Rank- - 129 133 129 119/163 128 138/177 136 135

... Inches Closer Towards 2000 High Mark
... 78% get less than $2 per day income

Nov 29, 2007 - Ghana ranks as the 135th best country to live in the world according to a United Nation report released today. It moves one place up in regard to the 2006 report, but still seven places down from her high of 128th in 2000 and 1995. (read)

Ghana’s Human Development Index(HDI) value improved from 0.532 to 0.553 - which shows the country inching closer to her highest rate of 0.555 and 0.556 in 1995 and 2000 respectively.

The HDI launched by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) on annual basis measures country’s performance in terms of improvement in life such as life expectancy, education attainment, health indicators and increase in real incomes.

Despite remaining a beacon of democracy, peace and stability in the sub region, the quality of life for most Ghanaians has not seen much improvement and has actaully dipped from the highs of 2000.

The report states that "In Ghana, half of children in the droughtprone northern region are malnourished, compared with 13 percent in Accra" .

The Human Poverty Index shows that there are 44.8% having less than $1 per day income and 78.5% of population lives below $2 per day income in Ghana.

The national poverty line stood at 39.5% in accordance with 2004 data

Ghana is ranked among "medium human development" countries and territories, scoring less than Botwana(124), Namabia(125), Gabon(119) and South Africa(121).

Ghana scores better than Nigeria(158), Senegal(156) and all of it's other west African neigbours.

Iceland, Norway, Australia, Canada and Ireland rank as the best five countries to live.

The 20 worst countries to live in are all from sub-saharan Africa. The worst five are: Mali, Niger, Guinea Bissau, Burkina Faso with Sierra Leone at the bottom of the pack.

Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia were not included in the 177 countries ranked

Selected Data for Ghana

(last year's data in brackets))
  • Life expectancy at birth = 59.1(57)
  • Adult literacy rate (% ages 15 and older) = 57.1(57.9)
  • Combined primary, secondary and tertiary gross enrolment ratio (%) = 50.7 (47.2)
  • GDP per capita (PPP US$) =2480 (2,240)
  • Adult illiteracy rate (%ages 15 and older) 42.1 (42.2)
  • % of People without access to an improved water source = 25 (25)
  • URL Ghana Fact Sheet

Human development index trends for Ghana

Year 1980 1990 19951999 2000 2001 2003 2005 2006 2007
HDI0.4670.511 0.555 0.544 0.556 0.5420.520 0.520 0.5320.553
Rank- - 129 133 129 119/163 128 138/177 136 135

Source: --
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