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Ghana: The World's Fastest Growing Economy in 2011

Fri, 14 Oct 2011 Source: FRANCIS TAWIAH

In an economic research by the Economy Watch led by Juan Abdel Nasser, Ghana is

ranked the fastest economic growing country in the world. Looking at the data on the

Economic Statistics database from the Economy, with the data points from

the IMF's tracker of GDP Growth in constant prices in the national currency (not

converted to US dollars).

Even though many people assume that China is the fastest economic growing country in

the world, but that is not the case, it is the fastest growing largest economy, but

that is a different thing.

What matters here is the key trends that are driving the growth figures. Looking at

the Economic Indicator list for the year 2011, it is surprising to see who is now

leading the pack in terms of economic growth.

It is not one of the countries that is normally thought of in those terms but rather

Ghana which is currently the World's fastest growing economy in the year 2011.

The statistics for 2011:

Economic Indicator Listing in Year 2011

Ghana 20.146 %

Qatar 14.337 %

Turkmenistan 12.178 %

China 9.908 %

Liberia 9.003 %

India 8.43 %

Angola 8.251 %

Iraq 7.873 %

Ethiopia 7.663 %

Mozambique 7.548 %

Timor Leste (East Timor) 7.4 %

Laos 7.395 %

Growth rates are much higher this year. The chart tops out at over 20%. Last year

there was a projected high of 16.4% from growth leader Qatar.

We can see once again that developed countries do not feature in the Top 12. Almost

half of the top 12 come from Africa. Ghana has swept from 4.5% last year, to an

astonishing 20.146% for 2011.

One third of the Top 12 are from the Far East, two from the Middle East and one from

Central Asia. In 2010 there was only one G20 nation in the Top 12. This time India

also makes the grade. This is the beginning of a larger trend. According to a

political economic expert, with China's ageing population and India's young

demographic, India's growth rate will overtake China's within 10 years, as it will

start to enjoy a ?demographic dividend.? However India will not be without its own

challenges as the chief political economist David Caploe points.

* The African decade continues to hold sway. 2010 to 2020 is bringing massive

development to the continent. As China continues to boom we will see the Chinese

offer more large-scale infrastructure development to African governments in return

for natural resources and farmland to support it's vast population. In turn African

countries are continuing to challenge old perceptions of corruption and violence

through practising better governance. Chart leader Ghana is one of Africa's

strongest democracies. African countries will continue to veer in favour of

increased prosperity. The picture continues to be replacement of Western aid for

Africa by Eastern trade with Africa.

* Energy is still remains a major key and will continues to play a key role. We

expect this trend to continue with the advent of ?peak oil? and the continuing

upward trend in oil and natural gas prices. Countries like Qatar and Azerbaijan with

their huge natural gas and oil reserves will continue to boom.

* Rapid population growth is a key factor in economic growth. The countries with

some of the highest rates of population growth in the world dominate the growth

chart. As their economies mature, expect to see this trend slow down somewhat for

these countries.

* A low growth base offers more opportunity for expansion. This explains the lack of

highly developed economies in the Top 12. As these markets contend with the credit

crisis or as "Dr Dave likes to call it, the Loan Freeze", the ongoing costs of

supporting an ageing population and the law of diminishing returns will ensure that

we will see much higher growth performance from economies that have more room to


* Democracy and transparency in governance is the only way to (peace and) promote

economic development, countries like Ghana who are experiencing a new era of good

governance will enjoy massive growth increases. Where there is peace and good

governance, prosperity will follow as we see in other countries making profitable

use of their resources for development, rather than wage war. Underdeveloped

economies surging ahead for 2011 will assist in closing the gab between rich and

poor in the World.

FRANCIS TAWIAH (Duisburg - Germany)