
Ghana granted membership of IAOPA

Sat, 27 Jan 2007 Source:

The International Council of Aircraft Owners and Pilots Associations (IAOPA) has granted provisional Membership status to Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of Ghana (AOPA- Ghana) pending approval for full membership to the world association.

AOPA Ghana was constituted and sponsored by Strategic Aviation Services (SAS), an Aviation Organization formed by pilots and aviation enthusiasts in Ghana, with its primary objective of advocating and developing General Aviation in Africa which is almost non-existent or vastly underutilized in Africa.

According to the president of IAOPA, Mr Phil Boyer in a letter to all AOPA presidents worldwide the Ghana affiliate meets all admission requirements and with a majority vote by the Board within 60 days, the provisionally accepted association will become a full accredited member.

If approved by the IAOPA Board, AOPA- Ghana will become the 66th official world affiliate of the international council and the second West African nation to become an affiliate of IAOPA with a currently world membership of more than 600,000 members mostly pilots, is the largest, most influential aviation association in the world. IAOPA has achieved its prominent position through effective advocacy, enlightened leadership, technical competence and hard work.

AOPA Ghana will be inaugurated at a later date. In the mean time AOPA- Ghana is accepting applications from all Pilots and aviation enthusiast to join and be a part of this great association. Initial registration can be submitted online at
