
Ghana in Directory of Africa Organisations and Businesses in the Netherlands & Ghana-Holland 300 Years

Sun, 31 Mar 2002 Source: Fons Geerlings, director director Foundation Africaserver Amsterdam

We are pleased to inform you that the 2nd revised and substantially extended virtual edition of the DIRECTORY of AFRICAN ORGANISATIONS and BUSINESSES in the Netherlands has been been put online:

The number of entries has grown from 280 to nearly 800. The number of categories has risen from 9 to13.

Categories are amongst others artists (painters, sculptors and musicians), professionals, trade and commerce and religion. We have focused mainly on Africans from Sub-Sahara Africa. However we made an effort to include especially Morocco.

The virtual Directory will be updated regularly.

The research for this edition has been conducted by Mindanda Mohogu. The Directory is a joint project with the African Studies Centre in Leiden which will publish in April the bookversion which concentrates solely on Sub-Sahara Africa. The Book can be ordered with mr. Karl Dorrepaal, phone 071- 527 3490 or preferably via his e-mail: The Directory constitutes one of the many modules at the

The entries on Ghana will be linked to: http:// ; a website produced by the Africaserver which provides information about the commemoration of 300 years of diplomatic relations between Ghana and the Netherlands.

We kindly request you to pay attention to this message; feel free to make a link.

If you do we appreciate to be informed. With kind regards,

Fons Geerlings, director director Foundation Africaserver Amsterdam Stichting Africaserver Nieuw adres en tel/fax nrs. Tussen de Bogen 111 1013 JB Amsterdam / The Netherlands phone + 31-20-531 8499; fax +31-20-531 8498

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Source: Fons Geerlings, director director Foundation Africaserver Amsterdam