
Ghana must scrap two term limits - K. B Asante

Senoir K.B Asante On Mills K.B Asante, Retired diplomat

Fri, 4 Mar 2016 Source:

Elderly Statesman, K.B Asante is pushing for the removal of term limits for presidents in Ghana.

According to the retired diplomat, the constitution must be reviewed to allow leaders who are effective and capable of advancing the growth and development of the country to stand for re-election for their fate to be decided by voters.

The former secretary to late President Kwame Nkrumah said the country continues to deteriorate as good leaders are forced out of office due to term limits.

Ghana’s constitution allows presidents to rule for four years in a term. Presidents have the option of standing for re-election once they end their first term but cannot stand for another election after their second term.

Speaking on Morning Starr Friday, K B Asante said Ghana isn’t benefiting from this kind of democracy and suggested that the removal of term limits could rather be beneficial to the country.

“Somebody can be president for five terms, if he is good let him [be there], democracy means that people should decide so if we don’t like him let him go away, what happens is that some people try to entrench themselves,” KB Asante told host Nii Arday Clegg.

He added “I personally would like that [removal of term limits] this two term whatever business is not necessary if we want the person we should [let him be there] and if we don’t want him after the first term we should sack him”.
