
Ghana’s constitution is bogus – Badu Kobi

Badu Kobi Kofi TV Dog Badu Kobi argues we should be allowed to vote out underperforming presidents during their tenure

Mon, 8 Oct 2018 Source: newswiregh

As the nation undergoes very difficult times in its economic development, many people have waded into the discussion with so many attributions as to the cause of hardship in the country.

Two weeks ago, a prominent Bishop asked that Ghanaians engage in 72-hour fasting and prayers in an attempt to discover the cause of hardship and seek divine Grace to spur the nation on to greater heights.

Almost a month ago also, another prominent Founder of a Church in Ghana hinted that the selfish agenda of a Former leader in the country to seek re-election to office is the cause of hardship we are currently facing as a nation.

Adding his voice to the ongoing conversation about widely speculated hardships in the country, Prophet Badu Kobi observes that the situation should be blamed on the country’s ‘bogus’ constitution.

Badu Kobi argued the constitution is too rigid and makes no room for the citizens to make inputs along the line giving the president too much power to do what he so wishes.

He suggested it is such power that is being misused by President Akufo-Addo and his government that has resulted in the hardships.

Bemoaning the rigidity of the constitution, the Prophet stressed that it makes no sense for citizens to be held by the shackles of the constitution for four years when the government isn’t performing and misery is the order of the day adding that people should be given the chance to remove a president the moment it is believed the government isn’t performing.

The popular prophet openly noted his displeasure for the four-year fixed term for Ghanaian Presidents arguing that the term should be reduced or made flexible such that leaders could be changed at any point in time when the populace lose confidence in the government.

“Our system isn’t the best, that we will have a leader to be in the realm of affairs for four years before we have the chance to change the person. It is a wrong system. If the person becomes President and is not performing, he needs to be changed. If after two years of becoming the president the person doesn’t perform, we have to organise elections and kick them out. Is that not the practice in other jurisdiction? In other jurisdictions, someone is voted into office but within two years, the people pass a vote of no confidence and he is voted out. Don’t you hear of such? That is why we are suffering. We need to adopt that system in Ghana” Badu Kobi said on Kofi TV

“Our constitution is so bad, it is rigid, you suffering and you sit and say you are waiting for four years… I want to tell all Ghanaians, I am a religious person and so I will not deceive people, I dare say that our constitution is bogus…It gives all the power to the president. He even appoints the Chief Justice.” he stressed.

The hardship in the country he insisted has both spiritual and natural underpinnings and Akufo-Addo must tread cautiously and find solutions to these factors.

Prophet Badu Kobi said after listening to Akufo-Addo during the handing over ceremony of the National Development Planning Commission upon assumption into office as President he concluded Akufo-Addo was clueless and a man without vision.

It was revealed to him at that moment, the ‘Man of God’ alleged that Akufo-Addo will be a lawless president who will breach laws to have his way.

Citing alleged mismanagement of funds for the Ghana@60 celebrations, Badu Kobi buttressed his argument and cautioned that there was more to come from Akufo-Addo and his government.

He rebuked Akufo-Addo for referring to himself as a new King during the NDPC handing over ceremony.

“When they went to him, he said ‘new king new law’ but I was taken aback and said thought to myself ‘you are no king but a mere president who can be taken to court after your term of office’. It is a chief you can’t take to court. If someone is described as King it means he is the repository of the customs and laws so if he breaks it is his own issue. So when I heard the New King New Law statement, I noted he wasn’t a king. You are going to be in office for only 4 years” he bashed.

Source: newswiregh