
GhanaWeb Polls: Over 2000 respondents want the country fixed

Fixthecountry Logo.png 2,030 voters representing 68.30% say the country needs to be fixed

Tue, 11 May 2021 Source:

Following the #FixTheCountry campaign that trended on social media for days calling on the government to resolve the unemployment situation among the teeming youth, high cost of living, and other basic issues in the country another hashtag, #FixYourself emerged to rebut the previous campaign.

Others who supported the #FixYourself campaign were of the view that Ghanaians need to check their negative attitudes before asking the government to fix what they term as a broken country.

GhanaWeb conducted a poll on the topic, “What do you think is the most important to fix?” and over 2,000 people have shared their views on the subject.

Out of the total 2,972 votes cast, 2,030 representing 68.30% say the country needs to be fixed first before other matters are looked at.

942 representing 31.70% were of the view that Ghanaians need to work on themselves; their attitudes to help in the development of the county.

Below is the results.

Click on the link to see the poll results.

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