Menu unveils Technology blog

Becks Technology

Fri, 13 Sep 2013 Source:

In today’s world, technology is a complex social enterprise that includes research, designs, crafts and a host of others.

It has been a powerful force for global civilization, which has culminated into the production of sophisticated accessories for different purposes.

It is against this backdrop that has launched a blog with the sole object of informing our readers how the world is responding to the emergence of technological advancement, which has drastically changed the world.

The blog will seek to explore the widely held view that technology, aside from its intended benefits, but will be looking in details at what is technology is out there and how, when and what to use it for; the side effects of these techs will also be in focus.

What is more, readers would be allowed to post their comments, questions, suggestions and observations as we seek to create an interactive platform.

The Technology blog is edited by veteran technology researcher, analyst and Television show host, Bex Motty.

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