
Ghanaian UNIDO Boss Dragged To Court

Tue, 20 Mar 2012 Source: THE SUN

By Kofi Safo Antwi &Dominic Jale (THE SUN)

Kandeh K. Yumkella UNIDO Director-General

A Ghanaian domiciled in Vienna-Austria and working for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) by name Eric Roland Appiateng is in a deep smelly heap of trouble. Years after detailing one Richard Pomeyie to take charge of his magnificent mansion situated on plot number 102 at East Legon, Accra during which he reserved the power of attorney in his name, Appiateng, thought to be in charge of Dairy Procurement at UNIDO in Vienna has suddenly turned tail. He has yanked Pomeyie off and substituted him with a certain Jonathan Tetteh Oblitey of Bortianor, Accra when indeed no revocation has been done as is normally the case in matters of this nature. The fuming Pomeyie says he has sunk ¢26,908 in pursuing a court case on his behalf and repairing portions of the house. Full of rage, Mr. Pomeyie says about three years ago Appiateng entered into a sort of agreement with a Taiwanese woman, a ‘Dr’ Lorinda Liang to use his (Appiateng’s) house as equity for a gold refinery company that turned out to be a hoax. After taken charge of the house, the Taiwanese eventually turned the place into a hotel where all sorts of vices took place. As if this was not enough, a 40-footer container-full of household equipment Appiateng shipped into town, meant for furnishing the mansion into a world class hotel were either sold or doled out to some top politicians. The situation therefore brought Pomeyie into the scene, as he moved heaven and earth to get the Taiwanese arrested and her subsequent trial by the state. Interestingly, it was the hunt by Pomeyie that unraveled the roguery surrounding the woman who dribbled state officials to believe that she had monies sitting elsewhere for the setting up of a University in the Volta region and for the establishment of a hospital at Legon. It was Pomeyie’s fight that drove the double-tongued Taiwanese Liang underground, when she yet again promised the setting up of a sim-card production industry she claimed would employ some 270,000 workers. In a writ sighted by THE SUN, Pomeyie said he has so far spent Gh¢26,908 on repair works and other expenditure since he was given the power of attorney. He said, the only thing that will force him to beat a retreat is for Appiateng to settle the monies he has buried in re-fixing materials and fittings that were in serious state of disrepair. According to a document that establishes proof of his bearing the power of attorney Pomaye came into the picture when the man in charge before him, a Daniel Aninakwa, had his power of attorney revoked and his name substituted with Pomaye’s. Hours before this story was filed, news emerged that six macho men attempted to break into his home, and woefully failed to lock the gates with padlocks they were wielding, for what reason nobody really knows. In Pomeyie, writ at the Accra High Court against Appiateng has two others namely, Jonathan Tetteh Oblitey who is a farm manager for Appiateng, and Kwame Henebeng his errand boy, joined in the suit.

Source: THE SUN