
Ghanaian-born politician sworn in as Dutch MP

Amma Asante Dutch Parliament Amma Asante

Sat, 10 Sep 2016 Source:

History has been made in the Dutch Parliament after Amma Asante, a Ghanaian born-politician became a member of the Netherlands' legislature. She will will serve until March 2017, when the next general elections are expected to be hold.

Miss Asante's rise to this position has not come easy, since the last elections over four years ago (2012). She was left waiting because she narrowly missed direct election to the parliament because her party, Partij van de Arbeidre, (Labour Party)also known as Pvda fell short on the number of seats won to give Amma Asante a place in the Dutch Parliament. Despite doing well at the polls gathering over 4,500 votes, her party secured only 14 seats while she was number 15 on the list at the national polls.

Technically she stood a chance to make it to the parliament but that never happened until 7th September 2016 at 1.45pm when the speaker of the Dutch parliament, Mrs Khadija Arib called the house in order and listened to the secretary to the commission confirming that Amma Asante has met all qualifications to be sworn-in as a member of 150-seat Dutch parliament.

With another colleague, Daniel van der Ree (VVD) both of them were called into the house chamber and there they took their oath of allegiance to the country and to His Royal Majesty, King Alexander of the Netherlands. With a loud cheer from the gallery, she was officially confirmed as member of Dutch parliament.

On hand to congratulate her was her husband, Pastor Emmanuel Baddoo, Senior Pastor of Triumphant Faith Chapel and their two daughters, two sisters and a brother among those family friends who witnessed the ceremony.

Her presence was soon felt after taken the oath of office with a shout of "Hallelujah" from the gallery which turned all heads towards the direction. The shout was from her Christian followers who accompanied her to the parliament to witness the inauguration.

After the inauguration ceremony, she was received and congratulated by other members of parliament. Among those who witnessed her swearing-in ceremony were Rev Emmanuel Koney, Pastor Elvis Iruh, Hashim Dagonon of African European foundation and Journalist Alberta Opoku, among other friends.

Amma Asante (44) disclosed her delight on this opportunity to serve and assured the country that she would not be a number in the parliament but she would contribute her ideas in advancing the causes that she believes in with the collaboration of her party.

She had earlier in the election campaigned on equal opportunities for all in various segments of society. Although she has six months to make an impact, she says it would be six beautiful months to keep all her chances open for next year 2017.
