
Ghanaian farmers are to benefit from insurance

Tue, 19 May 2009 Source: The AHRH Foundation

Ghanaian farmers are to benefit from insurance against weather shocks and investment in agriculture. The project provides maize farmers with rainfall insurance and capital inputs for their farms in the nearest future.

This was announced by Nana Boadu Baffour Anning, the Chief Executive of the African Human Rights Heritage (AHRH) and National Coordinator of the Ghana Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organizations (GACEVO).

This project is going to be possible as Give and Take encouragement to 18 years outside foreign funding research work for alleviation of culture of impunity that results in conflicts, corruption and poverty which solution is the “implementation of the international human rights standards, compliance, monitoring, evaluation through community based peace-building and good governance” through AHRH and GlobalGiving Partnership.

The deal goes with a million little earth changing ideas for a pilot project in Ghana for social change byway of a platform of local and global actors combating impunity the root cause of conflicts, corruption and poverty. Though everyone is against these evils but forced to be party of the disease because of lack of knowledge with its resultant tightly woven strategy by the common enemy of mankind because of greed for wealth.

Dated at Accra, this 15th day of May, 2009

For details contact:

The AHRH Foundation Email address: Website:

Source: The AHRH Foundation