
Kofi Adams Disrespects Mills Again

Mon, 23 Jan 2012 Source: TCCL


Kofi Adams, the Deputy General Secretary of the ruling National Democratic

Congress (NDC), is certainly a fine gentleman, and indeed a great personality,

admire by many in the umbrella family, but he may soon loose those commendable

credentials as a young politician if he continues the ugly path of darkness he

is curving for himself on crucial issues of national interest.


young politician, who has undoubtedly done a lot of good work for the party

during the harsh and terrible conditions of the NPP administration, has been

critical on his own government. That is fine with us.


this disagreement over policy issues should not lead to disrespect to the

President. Mr. Adams outburst against

President John Evans Atta Mills’ decisive action on the embattled former

Attorney General and minister of justice, Martin Amidu is nothing short of a

gross disrespect to the President and his office.


and the NDC as well as the government have over the past two weeks been thrown

into a state of embarrassment, following the naked allegation spewed out by

former A-G, who has the powers to prosecute criminals in the country.


weeks, Martin Amidu’s reckless statement accusing a colleague minister and the

pro-NDC newspapers of being behind a ‘gargantuan crimes’ has taken over the

airwaves and the opponent of the government are scoring great political capital

out of it.


on earth could the sacked A-G boasted that president begged him four times

before he accepted the position?


wish core members and supporters of the NDC who cherish the principles and

ideas upon which the party was founded to know that the attacks against me

which started in the Daily Post publications of the 3rd January 2012 were

planned by a colleague Minister of State, who perceived that my integrity and

professionalism as a lawyer was a threat to the concealment of gargantuan

crimes against the people of Ghana in which they might be implicated. An alibi

was consequently created on 30th December 2012 to unleash the gullible section

of the NDC press on me by the leakage of official documents from my ministry

through the perverse section of a rented NDC press to the pubic beginning the

3rd of January 2012.

That has back fired because the leaked official documents by the Daily Post;

the Informer; the National Democrat; the Ghanaian Lens; etc have rather

inadvertently supported my honesty and integrity in public office and my call

for the prosecution of criminals regardless of their political party

colorations or their social status.

As for the section of the rented NDC press calling for my removal or dismissal

from office, I wish to assure them that I never begged to be appointed

Attorney-General: I opposed it on four separate occasions. That criminal

section of the NDC press should be assured that I am ready, able and willing

for that eventuality. The inescapable fact is that at the end of the day truth

will prevail over falsehood in the Republic of Ghana.

I do not fear for my personal safety in a cause I have fought for since I was

30 years old. I am now over 60 years and count myself lucky if I pay the

ultimate sacrifice which my compatriots paid in 1979 and 1981 belatedly in the

regime of the third NDC Government”, sacked Martin Amidu noted in his infamous

press statement.


the seriousness of the allegations by Martin Amidu, President Mills provided a

platform for the sacked A-G to substantiate the allegations, but he failed and

showed his ugly character of disrespect to the president leading to his



and unfortunately Mr. Adams has joined the NPP in condemning the president for

the supposed experienced lawyer, Martin Amidu, who has brought the party into a

state of disrepute.

Source: TCCL