
Ghanaians will not forgive CPP if... Dr Delle

Mon, 9 Jan 2006 Source: GNA

Accra, Jan. 9, GNA - Ghanaians would not forgive the current leadership of the Convention People's Party (CPP) if the Party failed to unite the Nkrumaists to take over the reins of government in 2008, Dr Edmund Delle, National Chairman, said on Monday.

He said, "Ghanaians have now seen and know that the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and New Patriotic Party (NPP) are not what they perceived them to be and, therefore, now see the CPP as the only potential force to properly position itself for the mantle in 2008". Dr Delle was speaking to the Ghana News Agency when some Party leaders met in Accra to sell the Party's new publication, "The Convention" to mark the 56th anniversary of Ghana's First President Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah's declaration of "Positive Action".

The 12-page paper, which would be published quarterly, would serve as the official mouthpiece of the Party.

The National Chairman said, the clarion call now is, "where is the third force besides the NDC and NPP to restore the destiny of this nation.

"Virtually, Ghanaians are telling the CPP that it's no where near to be regarded as a third force. But that is far from the truth, which every well-meaning and faithful party member must wake up to, to prove to the nation that the CPP is alive."

Dr Delle called on the Party's Leaders, all other Nkrumaists, supporters and sympathizers to: "Let us not waste time on trivial issues such as what symbol or colours to choose and focus on coming together to prove to Ghanaians that the CPP is ready to place the country in to the hands of people.

"Ghana's economy can not be developed by any organisation or institution except by Ghanaians themselves and ensuring that Government itself becomes the engine of growth," Dr Delle said. He said the CPP had no objection to the promotion of the development of the private sector, but this must not be done to the detriment of indigenous Ghanaian companies.

Dr Delle said the private sector environment created by the Government had rather benefited more foreign companies, leaving little development because a chunk of what they earned, was repatriated back to their home countries.

"This is what we must change and give the local entrepreneur enough support to develop so that the benefits they get would trickle down to the larger Ghanaian society," he said.

Source: GNA