
Ghanaweb should not use the word 'Ghana' -Hackman

Thu, 27 Jan 2005 Source: --

Hon. Hackman Owusu Agyeman, the Work & Housing minister designate, has insinuated that the GhanaHomePage ( has been misleading clients into believing that it?s the official website of Ghana.

Hackman said it was wrong for Ghanaweb to use the name 'Ghana' because it creates the impression that the website is the official national website.

He said Ghanaweb is read by tourist and other important visitors to Ghana. He said GhanaWeb is filled with misleading information and could create the wrong impression in the minds of foreign visitors and Ghanaians abroad.

He however failed to point to a single statement on the website or from the management to prove his point.

?He?s probably equating popularity to ?official?,? said a journalist who followed the proceedings.

Hackman was asking questions at the vetting of Dan Botwe, the minister designate for information.

He also asked Botwe if ?it was proper for an individual to name his website after Ghana?. The information minister designate promised to look into the legality of the issue, but, John Mahama, a member of the vetting committee, disagreed with his view..

?Owners of GhanaMarket in NewYork, GhanaShop in Sweden and may soon be needing the permission of the Ghana government to use the name,? joked the journalist.

"Hackman probably knows next to nothing about the internet and how it operates" said an MP

Hon. Hackman Owusu Agyeman, the Work & Housing minister designate, has insinuated that the GhanaHomePage ( has been misleading clients into believing that it?s the official website of Ghana.

Hackman said it was wrong for Ghanaweb to use the name 'Ghana' because it creates the impression that the website is the official national website.

He said Ghanaweb is read by tourist and other important visitors to Ghana. He said GhanaWeb is filled with misleading information and could create the wrong impression in the minds of foreign visitors and Ghanaians abroad.

He however failed to point to a single statement on the website or from the management to prove his point.

?He?s probably equating popularity to ?official?,? said a journalist who followed the proceedings.

Hackman was asking questions at the vetting of Dan Botwe, the minister designate for information.

He also asked Botwe if ?it was proper for an individual to name his website after Ghana?. The information minister designate promised to look into the legality of the issue, but, John Mahama, a member of the vetting committee, disagreed with his view..

?Owners of GhanaMarket in NewYork, GhanaShop in Sweden and may soon be needing the permission of the Ghana government to use the name,? joked the journalist.

"Hackman probably knows next to nothing about the internet and how it operates" said an MP

Source: --
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