
Girl chained to tree at Ashaiman

Tue, 27 Aug 2013 Source: Daily Guide

A 13-year-old girl is under the mercy of the sun at Agyenkwa Prayer Camp at Zenu near Ashaiman, fastened to a tree with metallic chains for being responsible for the misfortunes of her parents.

The innocent girl has been chained for almost two weeks without food and accused of being a witch. Since she was taken to the prayer camp, the church leaders, as part of measures to deliver her of the claimed spirit of witchcraft, have instructed that she undertakes dry-fasting.

Meanwhile, the parents of the victim are in support of decisions taken by the church leadership, whose head pastor, after giving the instructions, travelled outside the country, leaving the girl to undergo such predicament, including passing the night under the tree.

The girl is said to have been experiencing cruel treatment from her parents for over year now, having visited various places for solution to their problems. This maltreatment is psychologically affecting the girl.

However, parents of the girl and a section of church members are not taking it kindly with anyone who tries to get close to the victim, as her aggressive looking mother and members are attacking them for such attempts.

The parents of the victim claimed to have a video tape as evidence to justify their decision and therefore do not want anybody to interfere in their family affair.

A visit to the prayer camp by DAILY GUIDE revealed that the girl’s legs were chained to a tree on the compound to prevent any movement. She has not taken her bath since she was taken to the said prayer camp and has not been fed as well.

Having severely assaulted her for being a witch, the parents of the girl, according to investigations conducted, are in full support of the decision taken by leaders of the prayer camp.

In many parts of the world, including Ghana, older women and children are still persecuted and accused of witchcraft, as the belief in witchcraft is still strong in many places and throughout society. These accusations often have an underlying malicious element and it is believed that they are a critical factor in the violation of women’s rights.

Source: Daily Guide