
Girls demand accountability from duty bearers

School Girls Lg

Tue, 16 Oct 2012 Source: GNA

Some girls in the Nanumba North District have appealed to public officials, especially the District Assembly, to enact bye-laws that would compel communities to create a violence free environment for the full development and progression of the girl-child.

The girls also urged the government to ensure the full implementation of all laws that seek to protect the rights and interest of women and girls so they could freely participate in daily activities in their communities without violence and distraction.

Representatives of 13 girls clubs in the Nanumba North District made these demands in Bimbilla in the Nanumba North District when they met stakeholders to discuss issues affecting their development.

The occasion was part of activities to mark the International Day of the Girl-Child under the theme; “Stop child marriage now: girls have right in education”.

Madam Lamnatu Adam, Songtaba Coordinator, said Stop Violence Against Girls Project was creating space for girls to develop their skills and confidence in order to resist and challenge violence so they could stay in school and enjoy their educational rights.

She said the celebration of the day had brought to light issues girls in the Nanumba area were facing especially early marriage, teenage pregnancy and girls’ maintenance and added that most parents were irresponsible in the area.

She said when the African Child Day was celebrated the girls demanded, among others, that the District Assembly should institute incentive packages that would encourage enrolment and motivation for girls in school.

They also appealed to traditional authorities to bring to book parents and families that engage in child marriages and victims of defilement and make subsequent follow up for their prosecution with police.

Madam Adam appealed to the government to build the capacities of Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit, CHRAJ, Social Welfare Department, and other relevant institutions to deal appropriately with cases of rape, defilement, child marriage and neglect.

Mr. Iddi Seidu, the Deputy Coordinating Director for the Nanumba North District, said the Assembly had reached consensus on the need to pass the law and added “issues on girls rights violations are being captured to be included in the general bye-laws that the assembly is developing.”

He said passing the law was not enough but the girls needed to work on their attitudes’ and report cases of violence to the appropriate institutions for redress.

Mr. Patrick Afulani, the District Director of Education in Nanumba North District, appealed to teachers to respect the rights of pupils and avoid corporal punishment and appealed to girls to report any violation or abuse on them to the appropriate authorities.

Source: GNA