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God’s hand is in Anas’ work – Ephson

Ben Ephson Dispatch Editor Ben Ephson

Wed, 16 Sep 2015 Source: Class FM

God has a hand in the undercover investigative works of Journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas, fellow Journalist Ben Ephson has said.

The Pollster told Starr 103.5 FM’s Morning Starr host, Robert Nii Arday Clegg, on Tuesday, September 15, 2015 that Anas’ survival of some near-death situations in the course of his investigative forays is ample evidence that his work has divine endorsement.

Ephson expressed his spiritual conviction about Anas’ work after Arday Clegg– who hosted him (Ephson) in the studio to discuss the raging judicial corruption scandal unearthed by Aremeyaw– recounted a situation (as told him some years ago by Anas in a TV interview), where he (Anas) escaped death by a hair’s breadth when he went undercover in a Thai prison to investigate a drug gang involving some Ghanaians.

Per the anecdote, a menacing gun-wielding man, cast in the mould of an executioner responsible for exterminating snitches that threatened the drug cartel was seconds away from shooting the undercover journalist, who had entered the Thai prison walls disguised as a Catholic priest, when, suddenly, and by providence, a forewarned Anas beckoned towards him and began prophesying healing into his home-riddled, ailing son’s life.

Strangely, and coincidentally, Arday Clegg recounted; the fake prophecy struck a chord with the gunman’s familial circumstances; a situation that found him virtually groveling at the undercover journalist’s feet for divine healing for his sick son.

“This shows God has a hand [in what] Anas is doing because he has had a few close shaves [with death],” Mr Ephson said in response.

“Some may say he’s got juju [black magic], but he hasn’t got juju; God’s hand is in it,” Mr Ephson added.

Anas Aremeyaw Anas is currently the toast of the nation after secretly videoing 34 high and lower court judges taking bribes to influence their decisions regarding certain cases, in a 500-hour video footage.   The Chief Justice has suspended 22 of the judges and has set up a Committee to investigate the 12 others.

Source: Class FM
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