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Gov?t Financed GIA With SSNIT Funds

Thu, 1 Sep 2005 Source: CITI

Workers of Ghana Airways have accused government of financing its stake in the new national carrier, Ghana International Airlines, with funds from the Social Security and National Insurance Trust, SSNIT.

At a Press Conference to address their concerns on the issues which culminated in their legal action against the government and the GIA, the Chairman of the Senior Staff Association of the Ghana Airways, Mr Roland Masoure, gave further reasons why Ghana International Airlines was included in the law suit which is to be heard on the 8th of this month at a Tema High Court.

He noted that currently, GIA, contrary to its claims, is using the assets of Ghana Airways, reiterating that this notwithstanding, GIA is riding on the back of the goodwill of Ghana Airways and secretly using routes established by Ghana Airways.

The workers also express lack of confidence in the negotiations with the Labour Commission, stating that if they allow the liquidation of the airline to continue, they would not be able to receive their severance awards.

Mr Ato Condua, a Management Consultant for the workers of Ghana Airways, on his part, indicated that they had to resort to the courts after realizing that government has initiated the liquidation process which when completed, make it extremely impossible for the workers to receive their severance awards.

He added that the processes of the Labour Commission would have assured Ghana Airways staff their minimum national wage.

Meanwhile, a Labour Consultant, Mr Austin Gamey has come to the defense of the National Labour Commission in the ongoing war of words between the Commission and workers of defunct National Carrier, Ghana Airways, and proposed some solutions for the resolution of the problem.

In an interview with a local radio station - CITI, Mr Gamey called on the Ghana Airways Staff and their advisor to stand down the court case, so as not to create any bottle necks in the negotiation process, emphasizing that the courts might end up prolonging the issue and worsening their plight

Source: CITI
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