
Gov't scraps GYEEDA management

Gyeeda Platform

Wed, 28 Aug 2013 Source: Joy Online

Government has announced that henceforth, the Ghana Youth Employment and Entrepreneurial Development Agency (GYEEDA) will be managed by an interim management committee until a review of the Agency is completed.

Following an investigative report that unearthed rot, including gross financial malfeasance, at the Agency, Government set up a 5-member committee to look into its activities.

After receiving a report from the 5-member committee, President John Mahama announced the Agency would be reviewed.

The president has released a document containing action plans and recommendations on how the review must be done.

Also, specific duties have been assigned to some law enforcement agencies regarding the report. These agencies have been tasked to take action against persons indicted in the report.

According Deputy Information Minister, Felix Kwakye Ofosu, the interim management team will be in force "until proper formal structures are put in place" at the Agency - created to mitigate youth unemployment issues in the country.

At the Daily Media briefing at the Presidency on Wednesday August 28, Felix Kwakye Fosu, revealed Government is operating with the report that has been released and not the leaked one, which has been in circulation for some time now.

"A ministerial review in terms of ownership of GYEEDA is something that will be considered when the GYEEDA Bill comes to be prepared so that it can have legislative backing", announced the minister.

Source: Joy Online