Mary Boatemaah Marfo, District Chief Executive (DCE) for Sekyere East
Madam Mary Boatemaah Marfo, District Chief Executive (DCE) for Sekyere East, has reiterated government’s commitment to build the capacities and empower Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) to be financially self-reliant.
She said training and providing employable skills as well as working tools was the sustainable way of supporting PWDs to become financially capable and reduce the burden on their families.
Madam Marfo was speaking at a durbar to distribute working tools to the first batch of 72 qualified PWDs at Effiduase.
The Assembly has 520 registered disabled persons who are benefiting from the Disability Fund and the items were procured from the District Disability Fund to assist them in their business ventures to generate enough income to improve on their living conditions.
Madam Marfo said government’s strategy was to use the disability fund to provide working tools and equipment to enable disabled persons to either start or expand their businesses to make them financially sound.
She said the Assembly was also supporting the educational and medical needs of disabled persons as part of the social security and protection and appealed to disabled persons in the District to collaborate with the Department of Social Welfare to ensure prompt disbursement of the fund.
Mr Emmanuel Adjei Baafi, the Presiding Member of the Assembly encouraged the disabled persons not to underrate their potentials and capabilities and urged them to make effective use of the resources provided to grow their businesses.
Mrs. Magdalene Awusie Rockson, the Social Welfare Director for the District advised them to desist from street begging since that demeaned their status.