
Government must ratify ILO Convention on Occupational Safety and Health

Wed, 27 Apr 2011 Source: GNA

Accra, April 27, GNA - The Ghana Trades Union Congress (GTUC), on Wednesday, called on the Government to ratify ILO Convention 155 on Occupational Safety and Health.

In addition, government should develop appropriate laws and a national policy and ensure that they were effectively enforced. The call was contained in a statement issued in Accra, by Mr Kofi Asamoah, Secretary General of GTUC, to commemorate International Commemoration Day for the Dead and Injured Workers all over the world, which falls on Thursday, April 28.

This year's commemoration is on the theme, 93Unions Make Work Safer= ". The statement urged government and employers to be proactive in occupational safety and health related maters so that the working people of Ghana work in safe environment.

It also reminded government to strengthen the agencies responsible for ensuring safe working environment in the country. The statement said 93The GTUC on behalf of the working people of Ghana wishes to express our heartfelt condolence and sympathy to all workers of Ghana and the world at large, who in the course of duty at work, either lost their lives, sustained injuries or contracted diseases and illnesses. We sympathise with their families, friends and co-workers, as well as their employers."

"We advise workers to be safety conscious and extra vigilant at work at all times and ensure compliance with safety rules and regulations," it added.

Source: GNA