
Govt Ministries preparing towards second term of Akufo-Addo-led administration

Nana Addo 1 1 Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of Ghana

Tue, 29 Dec 2020 Source: GNA

The various Governmental Ministries are working feverishly to conclude activities for the year and chart a course for 2021.

When the Ghana News Agency (GNA) paid a visit to a number of Ministries on Tuesday, it observed that most of the staff were on duty as the Ministers, their Deputies, Chief Directors and other top civil servants were locked in meetings.

The GNA was hinted that high on the agenda of the meetings was the political transition and the swearing-in of the President-elect on 7th January 2021 and the possible mergers and decoupling of ministries in view of the political realities shaped by the Parliamentary elections.

Some Ministers and Deputy Ministers who were Members of Parliament lost their seats and may not return to post. The President is obliged by the constitution to appoint a majority of ministers from Parliament which remains a daunting task as the New Patriotic Party will longer enjoy a comfortable majority.

Staff took a break for the Christmas festivity on December 25, 2020, and resumed work on Tuesday, December 29, 2020, the GNA was told.

At the Ministries of Roads and Highways and Transport, the GNA learnt that the various management meetings to review policies and programmes, for the next administrative year.

At the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, the story was not different as staff were busily going about their duties.

The Public Relations Unit of the Ministry told the GNA that a series of meetings to deliberate on the way forward in the next few weeks to settle on interventions, before the President was sworn in, is taking place.

The Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation, on the other hand, would go ahead with their departmental meetings on development programmes, while awaiting action by the administration.

After the conduct of Ghana’s 2020 general election on December 7, the Electoral Commission declared President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, as the President-Elect for the next four years.

He is expected to assume office for the second term from January 7, 2021, after taking the oath of office.

Source: GNA
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