
Govt urged to complete Manhyia Hospital Project

Wed, 26 Dec 2007 Source: GNA

Kumasi, Dec.26, GNA- The Government has been urged to complete the on-going maternity block and clinic project at the Manhyia Hospital in Kumasi to ease congestion at the Maternity Unit.

Madam Ruth Nasumba and Miss Sophia Dompey, both Senior Staff Midwives who made the appeal said facilities at the Unit were inadequate compelling the labour ward to make unwarranted referrals to other hospitals.

The two personnel who were on duty, made the appeal when the Ghana News Agency (GNA) visited the Ward to report on Christmas deliveries at the Hospital on Wednesday in Kumasi.

Madam Nasumba and Miss Dompeh called on pregnant women to attend clinics promptly and regularly to know of their health status and also to avoid complications during and after delivery.

"The Unit recorded five deliveries comprising three males and two females' they said, adding that three of the babies were delivered normally while the rest were through Caesarean sections. Both said the babies and their mothers were all in good health. Eight babies were delivered at the Suntreso Government Hospital, Madam Juliana Akunor, Senior Midwife on duty told the GNA in a visit to the Maternity Ward.

She said the babies, delivered through normal process were made up of five females and three males. She expressed concern about excessive use of local herbs by both pregnant and nursing mothers, stressing that, though herbal medicine was potent, they should attend anti-natal care. She admonished nursing mothers to observe personal hygiene and that of the children at all times. The KNUST Hospital in Kumasi recorded five deliveries on the Christmas day comprising three males and two females, Mrs. Georgina Karikari, a Senior Midwife at the Maternity Ward who disclosed this said, there were no still births and that the babies and mothers were on god health.

Two babies were born at the Kumasi South Hospital, Miss Christie Kporzuxe, Senior Staff Midwife on duty said the babies made up of a male and female were alive.

Tafo Hospital also recorded one delivery who was a male. Miss Rose Pemah, Midwifery Superintendent in-charge of the Maternity unit of the Hospital said the baby and the mother have been discharged. The Tepa District Hospital in the Ahafo Ano North in Ashanti Region recorded four deliveries, comprising three females a male. According to Mrs. Josephine Odame, Staff Midwife of the Hospital said the babies and their mothers were in good health and that there were no still births. 26 Dec. 06

Source: GNA