
Great Coalition Of Minor Political Parties Proposed

Sun, 13 May 2012 Source: --

Jacob Osei Yeboah (Joy2012) Proposed Great Coalition Of Minor Political Parties At The Cpp National Congress May 12, 2012

Madam Chairperson, untiring delegates of the CPP, I see this congress like a woman in travail about to give birth to a new baby. This new baby must not be still born but must live to withstand the test of time. The office of JOY2012 and myself, Jacob Osei Yeboah, the next President of Ghana January 2013, extend our felicitations to you as we witness how you are using your structures to elect qualified flagbearer for our country Ghana. JOY2012 shares in the vision of this congress because today, the CPP has resolved to ensure that its flagbearer is indeed marketable not only for the CPP as a party alone but also for the whole nation, Ghana, in particular and the world in general. This is the objective that the Ghanaian electorate envision for a true political party. That is a party that eschews cronyism and is very conscious of the important role political parties ought to play to ensure that the leadership qualities and the nature and scope of their flagbearers knowledge and experience befit the seat of governance of our nation.

Madam Chairperson, in the current state of political leadership in which the centre seems not to hold, JOY2012 metaphorically walked through the thought patterns and desires of the Ghanaian electorate and some key political personalities of our nation. These key political personalities, Prof. J.E.A. Mills, Nana Akuffo Addo, former Presidents J.A. Kuffour and J.J. Rawlings in brief chats with JOY2012 agreed that this is the time for the CPP to gird its loins and take up leadership if the electorate are not yet matured to understand that the only alternative to multi-party political system is the Independent Presidential system as enshrined in our constitution and being advocated by JOY2012. This is to ensure our authentic co-existence as one people, before, during and after the December election 2012. These key politicians came to this conclusion knowing that the 4th Republic is continually and gradually institutionalising plutocracy, deception, insults and lies coupled with shameful corruption instead of democracy and core values as a nation coupled with strong independent institutions.

My dear delegates, because of the afore mentioned reasons, that is why any Ghanaian, true and peace loving, meticulous in progressive development of our nation agree with JOY2012 why the NDC must be voted out of power and the NPP must be prevented from taking power. Period! This is to enable them to plan and reform their political strategy of insults, disgraceful corruption, all-die-be-die, let-him-dare and ethnocentrism which is a red alert security threat in a multi-ethnic society like Ghana and on the African continent. It is in the light of the current socio-political outlook towards December2012 election that makes the cautionary words of Frederick Douglas, an American Reformer and statesman, more appropriate. Frederick Douglas said that “Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe”.

Madam Chairperson, discerning delegates, the CPP aspiring candidates both hold some covenants towards nation building and are better rated in the eyes of electorate. The election of one of them at the close of this congress is the first step of the means and not an end of wining December election 2012. The bones of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah are cracking restlessly and loudly in his grave, calling for a coalition of the Nkrumaist branches to come together to form one political entity for election 2012. This is the recipe of hope that the Ghanaian electorate are anticipating for the CPP to wrestle power from the NDC. JOY2012 recommends the strenuous and selfless efforts by both the CPP and PNC committees that have been setup to ensure this dream becomes a reality. You need to bring back home with this merger your influential prodigal journalists Messrs Kwaku Baako and Kwasi Pratt and decorate them, for they have become restless in their sojourn political camps and would want to come back with a hope of a secured home where true nation building is imbibed. JOY2012 read your brilliant policy on energy as a key fundamental step towards industrialisation of our economy as a lower middle income nation, Ghana cannot wait to listen to you.

Not only Ghanaians are seeking the merger of the CPP and the PNC, but also the possibility of political mutations into a GREAT COALITION of the other parties such as the GCPP, PPP, UFP and IPP for the sake of threats posed by the NPP and NDC to our lives and properties only for the sake of election 2012. Such a great coalition can use legal means to disqualify the current flagbearers of the NDC and NPP if they fail to control their followers into civility and to be replaced with more competent flagbearers.

The great coalition can be established if Ghana is put first on the agenda, egos levelled and parochial hard feelings turned into a process of saving our lives and properties from the NDC and NPP. Ghana and Africa need at least three (3) political entities or systems to accelerate development and deepen our democracy in the African context. JOY2012 has said it time and again that Africa risks its very survival if it blindly adapts our western political allies’ dispositions by allowing only two parties to become dominant in ruling. In Africa multi-ethnic societies two dominant political party system is unsustainable and Africa Press Corps must ensure that at least three political systems are given a chance to alternate.

Madam Chairperson, Ghanaians must not be denied the opportunity to celebrate election 2012 in peace and respect. Ghanaians will never go for an ‘all-die-be-die’ and ‘let-him-dare’ kind of election. There should be no room for what we’ve all witness in the recent past but a meaningful politics of hope for the electorate. Ghana awaits your active participation.

Thank you and we wish you a fruitful congress.

God bless the great CPP God bless JOY2012 God bless Ghana

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