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Group lauds President over Denkyira-Boase visit

Akufo Denkyira According to the group, the visit by the president will go a long way to restore hope to the people

Wed, 9 Aug 2017 Source:

A splinter group calling itself Alliance for Responsible Citizens (AFRC) is praising President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for his heroic visit to Denkyira-Boase after the gruesome murder of Major Adams Mahama who was head of a military detachment in the area.

According to the group, the visit by the president will go a long way to resolve and restore hope to the people of Denkyira-Boase who have been urging the whole country to forgive and accept them as citizens/

Below is the full statement



Although the majority of Ghanaians were irked and had denounced the unfortunate deed exhibited by some few naive young people, the president of the republic of Ghana, H.E. Nana Akufo Addo had realized the urgency as part of his “Thank you tour” to visit the Denkyira Obuasi community for its redemption. The Alliance For Responsible Citizens (A.F.R.C) commends the President for such a move.

Over the period, the people of Denkyira Obuasi community had been living in fear and trauma with the anticipation of a possible reprisal attack by the military. Hence, the A.F.R.C is much delighted about the advancement exercised, by the President in visiting the community. This in effect will resolve and restore the hope of acceptance from all Ghanaians to the people of Denkyira Obuasi (New Denkyira).

More so, the A.F.R.C considers the efforts by the President to curbing the galamsey activities as vague and must be critically examined or confirmed in order to avoid bizarre encounters we are facing as a country, nowadays. Why should misunderstanding ensue between the tax force and the galamseyers whenever they are deployed to the sites and even to the extent of exchange for fire (guns)? Not to recall the recent loss of life.

We (A.F.R.C) are of the view that, both government and the galamseyers must adopt a reproach that will resolve the ongoing issues once and for all. Also, we are appealing to the President to provide an alternative job avenues to these young and energetic men in order to make Ghana a safer and an enabling environment for all.



Gen. Sec. A.F.R.C.

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