Host of Adom FM's morning show, Captain Smart
The morning show host of Adom FM, Nana Captain Smart has boldly declared that he as an individual does not believe there is any virus which causes any disease call HIV-AIDS as the world has been made to believe.
Speaking on Hitz FM, the broadcast journalist of the Multimedia Group said he does not believe HIV AIDS is real after long years of researching.
“Personally, with all respect to the American doctors and those in the medical fraternity, I don’t believe in HIV AIDS. My producers will tell you. When you read more about some of these things you will have a different opinion.
“Sometimes we don’t say it because we belong to the minority – the larger population that believes in the disease that it graduates and that there is a virus called HIV and the AIDS becomes the disease. In between the two, what’s the graduation point” he queried.
Gradually, blood infected with HIV fights with the immune system and renders it powerless. HIV finally graduates into full-blown Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is transmitted when an individual comes into contact with infected blood, semen or vaginal fluids.