
Hands of Commonwealth Hall -CJD

Wed, 12 May 2010 Source: Citizens For Justice And Democracy (CJD)

Press Release

Citizens For Justice And Democracy (CJD)


The decision by the Executive Committee of the University of Ghana to convert the only male hall into a mixed gender graduate hall is most offensive, very tragic, highly unacceptable and grossly preposterous. There is no doubt that the University is bent on perpetuating its orchestrated victimization and intimidation scheme on the students. The poverty in the reasons adduced for such a decision by the University distorts any logical argument. It is very obvious that this is a classical case of discrimination against the students of Commonwealth Hall and a knee jerk reaction that would not in any way solve the lack of accommodation problem on campus nor instill any disciplinary value in the students of the University. The CJD views this action as a manifestation of long nurtured vengeance for Commonwealth Hall and its occupants, and this obnoxious prescription will only cause the situation to degenerate. It has become necessary for the CJD to join this crusade because of the lackluster overshadowing the actual reasons behind this infamous decision by the Executive Committee of University of Ghana. Clearly the University has refused to heed to the numerous calls by Ghanaians to adopt more rational approach of solving this misunderstanding rather amicably, but instead remains unnecessarily committed to the notorious stance it has assumed. To add salt to injury, the University authority held a press conference earlier yesterday, May 10th, 2010 to further aggravate the wrath of students, graduates, parents and Ghanaians at large. CJD is by this release calling upon the Executive Committee of the University of Ghana to rescind its decision unconditionally as a matter of national interest. Failure to do so will precipitate an unprecedented magnitude of a nationwide solidarity demonstration with the students of Commonwealth Hall, University of Ghana and concerned Ghanaians alike. CJD will mince no words in stating that the University is a state institution and as such has many stakeholders with the students of Commonwealth Hall inclusive. We wish to remind the authorities of the University that their inimical decision will spawn both co-operate consequences as well as legal implications in the unlikely event that it is implemented. We are also aware that the University has the penchant for abusing disciplinary rules and total disrespect to the principles of natural justice within the annals of the University. The congestion in the residential halls and the lecture rooms/halls cannot be solved by throwing out about 4000 students out of Commonwealth Hall except to deepen it. We urge all students to speak up against this out of taste remedy to accommodation problem and purported indiscipline on the University campus, and together we shall ensure that it is met with the stiffest opposition and resistance or else posterity will not forgive us. ALUTA CONTINUA!!! VICTORIA ACERTA!!! LONG LIVE COMMONWEALTH HALL!! LONG LIVE VANDALISM!! Ali Dawud 0243155409 Spokes person

Source: Citizens For Justice And Democracy (CJD)