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Hannah Bisiw begins ‘thank you tour’, meets with NDC women leaders

Hanna Meets W.jpeg Dr Hannah Bisiw addressing NDC women leaders from the Greater Accra Region

Fri, 19 Mar 2021 Source:

National Women’s Organiser of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Dr Hannah Louisa Bisiw, has commenced a countrywide ‘thank you tour’ to meet various women’s wings of the party.

The women’s leader Thursday met with constituency women leaders and their deputies in the Greater Accra Region at the regional office of the NDC to revive the wing from the shock of the outcome of the 2020 elections.

At the meeting, she commended them for their contributions towards the party’s activities in the election year and encouraged them to work even harder for the party’s victory in 2024.

The former Deputy Agric Minister said she was amazed at the support the women’s wing gave the NDC, it’s flagbearer, John Mahama and running mate Professor Naana Jane Opoku Agyeman in the run-up to the 2020 elections.

“The mobilization we did for our great party and flagbearer John Mahama was enormous and I want to thank you for that performance,” she stated.

Dr Bisiw indicated that although per the Electoral Commission, the NDC lost the polls, the results signified the women’s wing worked for the over 6 million votes Mr Mahama garnered.

Dr Bisiw said the task ahead was bigger than what they dealt with in the last few years and encouraged them to continue to strengthen the base of the party in their various constituencies, branches and wards.

She further cautioned them to desist from acts that will divide the party and make it unattractive in the eyes of floating voters.

“NDC is not dead; NDC is alive and ready to position itself as an alternative government because Ghanaians have faith in the party and that is why they voted for us and His Excellency John Mahama the way they did in the last elections. We may disagree on some issues but that does not mean we are fighting. We have to be one as a people and strive for redemption in the next elections,” she advised party faithful.

“My humble appeal is that we should not be fighting each other. The 2024 journey starts now,” Dr Bisiw concluded as she also pledged her unflinching support for the party and President John Mahama.

To her, John Mahama is the candidate the NDC must present in the 2024 elections so as to enable the NDC to win power and “rescue Ghanaians from the bad governance of President Akufo-Addo.”
