
Health Assistants Training school to run diploma course

Mon, 14 Feb 2011 Source: GNA

Twifo Praso (C/R), Feb. 14, GNA - The Twifo Praso Health Assistant Training school is to run a diploma course in midwifery with effect from 2010/11 academic year, Mrs. Elizabeth Amoah-Tetteh, Deputy Minister of Education, has said. Addressing the 4th matriculation ceremony of the school in which 150 students were admitted, Mrs. Amoah-Tetteh said 93You should know that this= is the beginning of a long journey but with determination, discipline and hard work you are bound to come out with flying colours". The Deputy Minister, who is also a Member of Parliament for Twifo Atti-Morkwa, appealed to the Twifo-Hemang-Lower-Denkyira District Assembly to set up a scholarship scheme for needy but brilliant students. She expressed the hope that stake holders in the district and the regio= n at large would contribute to the scheme to eventually provide a strong high level literate community in the area.

Mr. Joseph Foster Andoh, the District Chief Executive for Twifo Hemang-Lower-Denkyira, said a hospital would soon be built at Praso. Mr. Andoh said it was the dream of the assembly and all major stake holders in the district to develop the school into a degree awarding institution in future. Mrs. Georgina Abaka Quansah, the Principal of the School, said the results of the first two batches of students were out and the percentage passes were 53 and 51 respectively. She said this was on the low side and management was instituting strategies to improve upon it. Mr Quansah said the school was faced with a lot of challenges such as accommodation for staff, lack of bus to transport students to clinical sites, lack of a decent kitchen, encroachment on school land and non paymen= t of school fees. 14 Feb 11


Source: GNA