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Height, good looks not criteria for choosing leaders – Pastor

Mon, 7 Nov 2016 Source: Kofi Banzana

Senior Pastor of the 7th Day Pentecostal Assemblies at Esreso near Kumasi, Apostle Elder Enoch Ofori Jnr. has reminded the Ghanaian electorate that height or good looks are not criteria for choosing national leaders.

Elder Ofori has mentioned the requirements for qualification as office holders as competency, honesty and a God fearing person who hates dishonest gains.

He has suggested that the electorate should be guided by the scripture in choosing leaders by looking out for competent men who have the ability and expertise to deliver in fulfillment of the prescribed biblical criteria for choosing national leaders.

The pastor said God takes keen interest in the governance systems of the nations over which he rules as the Invisible Supreme Sovereign and referred to the scripture (Exodus 18) which outlines a set of guidelines and qualifications to look for in voting for candidates for political office.

According to him, these guidelines have the cure for the tendency for many voters to vote along tribal lines or whether a candidate is good looking or short besides other petty considerations.

Elder Ofori who was making explaining: " The role of the scripture in nation building" in Kumasi last week said God is the originator of modern nation state for which he established the moral, legal, scriptural principles for accountable government, rule of law, law and order and justice.

He cautioned office holders against the accumulation of wealth and reckless spending of state resources.

Elder Ofori said the legislature with God as its flawless model must enact laws to uphold righteousness, ensure equity and defend the vulnerable.

The Pastor stated that an efficient government, level headed and God fearing legislature and a bold and impartial judiciary are critical factors in rescuing the nation from economic doldrums and set the nation on the path of greatness and prosperity.

According to him, in order that people do not ignorantly break the law, God commanded the law to be read publicly to the people periodically as the NCCE is mandated to do in fulfillment of God's law and plan to regulate the spiritual, moral and public life of the people.

He explained that the lack of good spiritual teaching, coupled with lack of civic education leads to insecurity and breakdown of law and order hence the need to strengthen the NCCE to teach the public on the laws that regulate governance.

Pastor Ofori suggested that the State must set up competent courts, to be manned by qualified and experienced people to dispense justice righteously, fairly and speedily.

He said once a competent court has been established, due process must guide its proceedings and decisions and closely adhere to rules of justice and sound legal principles to deal impartially with all manner of people.

Pastor Ofori described the Police and Military as the face of the law and a critical component of the state without which it cannot survive and called on them to act professionally in the interest of justice.

The senior pastor also urged the media to be circumspect in their reportage and advised against inciting wrong passions especially at this electioneering year.

Elder Ofori also advised Christians to be patriotic by submitting to the institutions of the Sate saying a good Christian is a good citizen who must not default in the payment of tax which he said, is a legitimate and reasonable demand of the state in return for public services it provides.

He called on Christians to pray for political leadership explaining that the state, embodied in the political leadership, needs prayers and spiritual advocacy.

Source: Kofi Banzana