
High court not fit to hear Zanetor’s case – Lawyer

Dr Ezenator Rawlings Dr. Zanetor Rawlings

Fri, 18 Mar 2016 Source:

Lawyers for Dr. Zanetor Rawlings in her ongoing eligibility trial are challenging the jurisdiction of the High court to hear the case.

According to the lawyers, such constitutional matters should be left with the Supreme Court to interpret.

The incumbent Klottey Korle MP Nii Armah Ashitey, who was defeated in the NDC primary, is challenging the propriety of the daughter of former President Rawlings to contest the seat on the ticket of the NDC since she is not a registered voter.

The Electoral Commission has confirmed that Dr. Rawlings is not a registered voter in Ghana. The High court is yet to make a final determination as to whether Zanetor can contest the seat on the ticket of the ruling party come November.

Even before the decision is made by the court, Starr News’ court correspondent Wilberforce Asare reports that Zanetor’s lawyers today made a case that the Supreme Court is the only body allowed by law to make such crucial rulings.
