
Hold high the Constitution -AG

Sun, 25 Mar 2007 Source: GNA

Accra, March 25, GNA- the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice Mr. Joe Ghartey has asked lawyers to hold high the Constitution of the land and the rule of law to ensure that the truth is always upheld in the discharge of their duties to the State and the public to ensure good Governance

He also urged them to ascribe commitment to the law courts and its powers by assisting prosecution to unveil the truth and add impetus to the institution of Justice and the rule of law.

Mr Ghartey was speaking at a dinner night for Law students here in Accra at the 48th Law Week of the Ghana School of Law.

The Attorney General said, adherence to principles of the rule of was cardinal in the legal profession, adding that lawyers should be humble in the eyes of the public they serve 93for this captures the faith and trust the public would be looking out."

He said their increasing numbers exhibit their enthusiasm to see law and order flourish in 93our young democracy for, without them, there would be total chaos".

He remarked; 93a good lawyer is not the lawyer who has money or popular but a good lawyer is the legal brain, who helps the court to unveil the truth to allow justice to be correctly discharged or served."

The Justice Minister also said lawyers act by the instruction of the law to ensure that law and order prevails in society, adding, "democracy has come to stay , hence lawyers should be real custodians of the Rule of Law to ensure peace and stability in the country." Mr. Ghartey said lawyers are the salt of the country's legislature and justice system and must be above reproach to belong to the bar because of the dignity and pedigree they command to serve those who seek justice and the right interpretation to the laws of the land. He said if lawyers fall short of these requirements, justice would be misplaced or wrongly used, adding that, Rule of Law, as indispensable as it is to democracy, must be protected to grow the nation and this could materialised if lawyers remain true to the profession.

He asked the law students to be hardworking and prudent in the management of the law in order to bring the Institution of Justice great honours.

The Attorney General was of the belief that if these ingredients are put into pragmatic tests the country=91s spot on the Democratic International Map would be enhanced and Ghana would remain an iconic pace setter democratically on the African continent for emulation by her contemporaries.

Source: GNA