
House of chief too wants "positive change"

Sat, 26 Jan 2002 Source: .

The Northern Regional House of Chiefs has joined the national quest for positive change, saying, "we the traditional rulers also want positive change to permeate the institutions of chieftaincy."

In this regard, the house had reached out for assistances to enable it to educate itself in key areas relevant to social transformation and development. This was announced by Yagbon- Wuru Bawa Doshie, President of the house at its first ordinary meeting at Tamale on Wednesday.

The Yagbon Wura said, "We have called for collaboration and received positive support from some donors to build the capacity of chief in the three northern regions". "The main areas of collaboration are good governance, human rights and democracy, as well as conflict prevention among other issues," he said.

The Yagbon Wura, who is also the paramount chief of the Gonja Traditional Area, observed that the challenges facing chiefs in the 21st century are enormous and they could not afford to be indifferent to what was going on in the world around them.

"Nanima" would gird their loins and provide the needed leadership to their people. Consequently we intend to collaborate among ourselves, not just within the northern regions but also with our sister regions." The House congratulated the government for its catalogue of achievement since assuming office

Notably among these were the stabilisation of the cedi and the subsequent fall in inflation, the halt in the serial killing of women and the government's non-discriminating stands against the private press.

The Yagbon Wura on behalf of the House also congratulated John Agyekum Kufuor and his government for spear heading the election of Dr Mohammed Ibn Chambas as ECOWAS Executive Secretary and Untied Nations General secretary M Kofi Annan for winning the Nobel peace prize for 2001.

In a speech read on his behalf, Prince Imoro Andani, Northern regional Minister attributed the government's achievement within such as short time to prudent fiscal measures and careful planning.

"What government is seeking from noble members of the Northern region House of chiefs is support and co-operation to ensure a conflict free society. This would enable the government to pursue its programme,” he said.

Prince Andani assured the chiefs that they would never be marginalised, saying, "In achieving the above successes, government has not lost sight of the contributions made by chiefs".

He assured them that their constitutional guarantees would be respected and that they would be free to pursue their legitimate aspiration without victimisation or intimidation from any quarter.

Prince Andani called on the chiefs to prop -up the President's declaration of 'a golden age of business' by making land readily available to prospective investors in the region.

He also asked the chiefs to participate effectively in the President's special initiative on cassava and industrial starch production, which is expected to generate 2500 jobs for people and the targeted district in the region.

The revenue expected from this initiative is a minimum of 2.5 million dollars for the estimated 10,000 tonnes of cassava to be produced, Prince Andani announced.

Source: .