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How loyalty to Joshua Alabi helped Elvis Ankrah gain a major employment at UPSA in 2005

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Mon, 14 Nov 2022 Source:

Elvis Afriyie Ankrah, a former Director of Elections for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has recalled some good memories of working together with the first Vice Chancellor of the University for Professional Studies (UPSA), Prof. Joshua Alabi.

Recalling how, together with Prof. Alabi, who was at the time the Campaign Manager of the NDC, they worked at trying to win power for the party, he explained that one of the things that worked for him was knowing his place.

He told GhanaWeb’s Edward Smith Anamale in an interview on Election Desk that although it was clear to many people at the time that he, Elvis, was the one seemingly doing all the work, he did not allow any of that to get to his head.

He said he knew his place and played his part accordingly.

“He was then the pro-vice chancellor of UPSA and so he had to juggle the two and so at certain times, when he was on holidays, then he’ll join the campaign full time but during school time, he wasn’t full time. So, I was virtually running but we had a very solid relationship.

“I reported to him morning, evening every day – morning, evening. And there’s a lesson in that; loyalty, because people were saying now you are in charge and I said No, I was not appointed Campaign Manager,” he said.

Elvis Afriyie Ankrah, who is eyeing the position of General Secretary of the NDC in its pending December 17, 2022, congress, reiterated that, unknown to him, it would all pay one day.

He narrated how one day, when he was seeking a job at the UPSA, having been in the good books of Prof Joshua Alabi, it paid off very well for him.

“He is my boss, and it paid off because after that election, then in 2005, I contested for and won as the Deputy General Secretary at the Koforidua Congress.

“So, when we came back, I was put in charge of operations, and we were in opposition – we had been in opposition from 2000 and I believe that you must always work; earn your keep, so I applied for a job at the UPSA and on the panel, of course, was Prof. Alabi, who I’d been loyal to.

“Of course, I was qualified, but can you imagine if there had been a frosty relationship and I had been arrogant and disrespectful to him that now I’m in charge, I’m sure I wouldn’t have had that job,” he explained.

Watch the full interview below:


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