
Humanitarian alive and social fiesta launched

Krinsol Ecotours File photo

Thu, 8 Nov 2018 Source: Kakraba Emmanuel

The Social Enterprise (SE), KRA Integrated Solutions Ltd (Krinsol Ecotours) under its people, community centered and inspired social and humanitarian values and impacts creation project, "Neighborhoods Empowerment And Sustainable Transformation (NEST)", has launched the annual “Humanitarian Alive And Social Fiesta”, an initiative aimed at organizing various events, activities and programs for Children, Youth, Seniors (Elderly), Persons with Special Needs,/Disabilities, Reduced Mobility or the Physically Challenged.

In line with the true spirit, significance, meaning and values of Christmas, humanitarianism and social good, this year the organization will be organizing free pre-Christmas sightseeing, recreation, leisure, adventure, sports, entertainment, social, humanitarian, active and healthy living and lifestyles field trip for Persons living with Disabilities.

The event is aimed to show love, compassion, affection, solidarity, sympathy, emotional attachment, passions and commitment to the plight of Persons with Special Needs, Disabilities or Physically Challenged. It is also to foster a sense of belonging among such critical, but unfortunately, mostly poor, needy, vulnerable, deprived, underprivileged, marginalized, minority and often taken for granted community.

The first trip on December 15th, 2018 will be to the Kakum National Park and Cape Coast Castle. In subsequent years, this field trip will be organized on every 27 September as part of KRA Integrated Solutions Ltd’s (Krinsol Ecotours’) corporate activities to mark World Tourism Day.

It is also to provide the much needed, but often neglected compassion, love, relief, care and attention to Persons with Special Needs, Disabilities or Physically Challenged through provision of Free Food, Drinks, Entertainment, Sports, Leisure, Sightseeing, Healthy, Active and Sustainable Lifestyles Activities and Sensitization. It is also to help people who find themselves in these communities to celebrate, exchange ideas, share stories and achievements, build personal, career/professional, business, entrepreneurial and community links, contacts and networks, and enjoy companionship.

It is expected that this will provide a platform for storytelling, education, information dissemination, raising awareness, and sensitization to illuminate and highlight the non-existence of accessibility and/or tremendous challenges, difficulties and barriers Persons with Special Needs, Reduced Mobility, Disabilities or Physically Challenged face daily in accessing public and private spaces, amenities and facilities including tourist sites and attractions, whilst helping to activate and elevate enthusiasm and passions for domestic vacation, excursion, leisure, recreation, tourism, travel and hospitality activities, sports, healthy, active and sustainable living and lifestyles.

This is a significant part of KRA Integrated Solutions Ltd.'s (Krinsol Ecotours') comprehensive corporate social and humanitarian values and impact creation strategies to help leverage, generate, activate and/or crystallize international, national, public, community, corporate, private sector, policy and decision makers' conscience, attention and actions for policies formulation paradigm shift towards authorities and decision makers assuming greater corporate and/or political capacity, mastery, passions and commitments to addressing the tremendous accessibility challenges, difficulties and/or barriers Persons with Disabilities, Special Needs or Physically Challenged encounter daily, and as well as other critical social, cultural, economic and developmental concerns.

Through this maiden field trip, KRA Integrated Solutions Ltd. (Krinsol Ecotours) is targeting one hundred and fifty (150) beneficiaries, who will be selected or invited from various deprived communities within Ghana. The selection or invitation will be conducted through the Ghana Federation for the Disabled (GFD) and other relevant stakeholders.

To enable KRA Integrated Solutions Ltd. (Krinsol Ecotours) to bring this event to realization, and to achieve the broad based and grassroots impact, goals, objectives and targets, the organization will also appeal for monetary and other donations to support the needy.

"We are appealing to philanthropists, impact investing or making, social, humanitarian, public good or spirited corporate, public, civil and private sector institutions, organizations, companies, ministries, departments, agencies, professionals, groups, clubs, networks and individuals who have compassions, sympathies, to assist", the organization added.

Aside monetary donations, the organization will also accept and appreciate donation of crutches, wheelchairs, white canes, other walking aids, clothing, footwear, computers, phones, books, backpacks and other basic necessities of life for distribution to the stated target groups.

If you are interested in granting a donation, you can contact the organization on any of the telephone numbers provided or send them an email for their bank details or personal collection. On the other hand, if you wish to donate items too, they will also be absolutely happy to pick up your donation.

Please do not hesitate to give them a call or send an email for any questions, concerns and/or further details. They will also gladly accept an invitation for a meeting relative to this appeal, any other matters of interest or mutual benefits.

It’s the organization’s sincere hope that, this appeal will be seen as part of the collective social and humanitarian values creation and effort to assist and put smiles on the faces of some of the most vulnerable, poor, needy, underprivileged, deprived, marginalized and minority. And who unfortunately, are often taken for granted segment of society and predominantly confined to the periphery of social, cultural, economic and developmental structures.

Source: Kakraba Emmanuel