'I pledge to be a Reader' is free to join
The Ghana Library Authority (GhLA), an agency of the Ministry of Education, has declared 2019 as a year of reading for Ghanaians who love to read and aspire to be great readers.
Stressing on the benefits, GhLA said the initiative is to enable readers have a strong reading lifestyle and also motivate people who find difficulty in reading.
The theme for this year’s reading campaign dubbed “I pledge to be a Reader” will be circulated on all social media handle to make it easier for people who wish to be part of agenda.
Read below the full statement from GhLA:
Ghana Library Authority (GhLA) has declared 2019, a Year of Reading. As part of effort to sensitize Ghanaians to build a reading culture and encourage them to be readers, GhLA is initiating “I pledge to be a Reader” campaign on Social Media.
To participate,
1. Upload your picture
2. Copy and paste the write up below
3. Nominate at least 5 friends to take part in the campaign
4. And Tag @ghanalibraries on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
My name is (YOUR NAME)
Readers are Leaders
Readers are Knowledgeable
I join Ghana Library Authority @ghanalibraries in its Year of Reading
And I pledge to read everyday
I nominate (NAMES) to also make a pledge to be a Reader in 2019.
Ghana Library Authority wishes to encourage all citizens to be part of this campaign.
A reading nation is a winning nation