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I Was Never Arrested - NDC Secretary

Thu, 15 Aug 2002 Source:  

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) Ashanti regional secretary, Mr. Sly Akokpovi has denied reports that he has appeared before the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) for questioning in connection with the former President Rawlings’ recent alleged treasonable utterances in Kumasi.

He said he himself was informed of his invitation to appear before the security agencies by his friends and the media and therefore did not know which particular security agency invited him.

Mr. Akakpovi said he did not feel threatened by the invitation since he has not committed any crime. The Daily Guide newspaper had learnt that the security agencies had sought to quiz Mr. Akakpovi on why the NDC failed to demand a police official permit to provide security at last Friday’s inauguration of the working committee of the party’s women’s wing in Kumasi.

In a press statement issued on Wednesday, Dr N Josiah-Aryeh stated, “a significant number of party functionaries and executives in the Ashanti region have also been arrested.”

Mr. Akakpovi admitted that they failed to obtain a permit from the police to provide security at the inauguration of the Ashanti regional working committee of the NDC women’s wing launched by former president Jerry John Rawlings. He explained that although the security matters eluded them during the preparation towards the inauguration, he personally contacted the Ashanti Regional Police Commander, Mr. George Assiamah, and requested for security at the function. The NDC regional Secretary stated further that at the police headquarters in Kumasi, he was informed that all the police officers had been assigned duties at various functions.
