An old picture of Richard Owusu Nyarko
A senior Health Practitioner and Health Research Scientist, with over 10 peer-review publications in international journals and currently a graduate entry medical student, Richard Owusu Nyarko says an allegation made against him in 2014 is hurting his career.
Richard Owusu Nyarko (Bsc, MHcM, MBA, MBchB/PhD candidate) said contrary to earlier publication, he has never held himself as the vice president of Accra College of Medicine and stated emphatically that he is not the Vice President of the said college.
Mr Owusu Nyarko (Bsc, MHcM, MBA, MBchB/PhD candidate) said he is a registered and licensed health practitioner and health scientist who has been practicing his profession in Ghana and still does, and not quack and that contrary to the reports he practiced his profession fully when he was in Scotland and Canada respectively.
According to him many see him as noble, descent young professional so he was not surprised when he was cleared according to court documents from his lawyer, Justice Abdulai ESQ of Crown Legal Bureau, West Legon Accra
Richard Owusu Nyarko, in 2014, was accused of posing as a Resident Surgeon at the 37 Military Hospital promising to help his accuser get a job at the Swedish Ghana Medical Centre at East Legon.
But in a letter to on 4th December 2018, the lawyers of Richard Owusu Nyarko have noted that their client was found innocent of the accusation, thus was acquitted and discharged by the court on 15th August 2016.