
I had kids with married men - Attorney General

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Sat, 27 Apr 2019 Source:

The AG, speaking on Joy FM's "Personality Profile" Thursday, did not shy away from admitting having her children with "people's husbands" but said given a second chance, she "wouldn't have done it today."

According to her, coming from a polygamous background, she didn't find fault with sleeping with people's husbands. “You know my background. I was born into a big home and at that age, you really didn’t think there was anything. But seriously, maybe I wouldn’t have done it today.”You grow up not really seeing something wrong with having a relationship with someone’s [husband].”

She clarified that she was not "philandering" but the relationships with the men were "serious" and "long-standing."

“And they were serious relationships, not that I was philandering or anything. Long-standing relationships. And it was from those relationships that I had my children. Because my doctor insisted I must have [the] children”, Gloria Akuffo added.
