
I?ll Call Another Coalition Meeting - Dan Lartey

Wed, 14 Apr 2004 Source: Daily Guide

Even before the dust settled down over the controversy rocked coalition press conference of last week, Mr. Dan Lartey, the leader of the Great Consolidated People?s Party, GCPP, has stated that he is going to call another meeting of his group, the agenda of which he has not disclosed.

He disagreed with a recent view that many Ghanaians do not regard him as a serious person; a view which was expressed in the wake of the recent press conference in which the GCPP man was bestowed with the responsibility of reading the coalition statement.

According to him, many Ghanaians agree with his domestication option for the country?s development and so it is untrue that he is not taken seriously as stated by some Ghanaians.

The Coalition recently held a press conference to take issue with the government over a number of subjects which they allege are not contributing to peace in the country. The conference was marred by the disagreement of Mr. Kofi Wayo of the People?s National Convention, PNC, with the contents of the event, Mr. Dan Lartey who was talking on a radio programme in reaction to a view that the coalition is in disarray because of Kofi Wayo?s disagreement, stated that the PNC man was not a prominent man in the committee which planned the conference and besides he sat in the public gallery and not at the head of the table.

Kofi Wayo, he added only made one or two contributions, Dan Lartey said. The GCPP leader who has stated that time without number he is going to be the next president of the Republic of Ghana, became incensed when it was suggested to him that he was being used by the National Democratic Congress, the NDC in the coalition and said

?Why are you asking me that, if I have been appointed chairman of the committee why are you asking about the pace of the conference, adding that ?the issue was not how the statement was delivered. The coalition is on course and I am going to call another meeting. The press he said ?read wrongly into the event. I can?t understand the press. At the conference, Mr. Dan Lartey added that no journalist asked questions.

Source: Daily Guide