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I'll continue to attack Nana Addo – Ayariga

Mr Hassan Ayariga Flagbearer of the APC, Dr. Hassan Ayariga

Wed, 28 Sep 2016 Source:

The Flagbearer of the All Peoples Congress (APC) Hassan Ayariga has said he’ll not stop attacking the Flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Nana Akufo Addo because he is not God.

According to him, Nana Akufo Addo is a mere human being and hence finds it difficult to understand why supporters of the NPP ‘worship’ him and cannot accommodate constructive criticism of their leader.

Hassan Ayariga, on Monday, September 26, 2016, accused Nana Addo of still living in his father’s house despite his age.

Mr Ayariga said: ‘‘I made my first $1million at the age of 24 without working with any government. I have never been in a government position; I have never worked as a Minister for you to say I have stolen government money. I built my first house at the age of 22…; at age 72, my senior and my father, Nana Akufo-Addo, is still living in his father’s house. At this age 72, I would have retired from politics and been advising young men of this country to move this country forward and not contest with them anymore.”

His comments received a backlash from supporters of the NPP who condemned the APC leader for descending too low in his politicking.

But speaking on the matter on Class FM Wednesday Hassan Ayariga stated that if Nana feels free to attack other politicians including President Mahama, then nothing stops him (Ayariga) from attacking Nana Akufo Addo.

“They think their Nana Addo is god…look, he’s nobody, he’s not god. I want the NPP to know that if Nana Addo was what they think he is, he would have won elections for them, he’s nobody, he’s an ordinary human being. Nana Addo is not an exception, he insults President Mahama everyday nobody says anything.”

He added: “I’m a politician, whether you like it or not I have achieved a lot for myself…I’m not a beggar. I’m not begging to be President…not at all. I will never go anywhere and say I beg you try me, If you want try me if you want reject me, I am who I am. I just want to help transform peoples lives. I have the opportunity to transforming my life and I think Ghanaians deserve that.”
