
I survived breast cancer, but my daughter didn't - Priscilla Enninful

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Thu, 31 Oct 2019 Source:

Life would have been much better only if the lives of loved ones could be preserved especially with their profession in the health sector. However, death comes unexpected and once it lays it icy cold hands on its victim, leaves a heart-wrenching pain on family, friends, and loved ones.

This is the story of Priscilla Enninful, who lost her only daughter, a health practitioner, to the dreadful breast cancer disease.

According to Aunty Priscilla, her experience with breast cancer made her daughter, who doubled as a nurse, even more cautious of factors – hereditary, diet, environment – that incite the illness but that didn’t save her life.

The 82-year-old was diagnosed with breast cancer at 47 but survived after surgery, chemotherapy, as well as several trips to the hospital for regular check-ups.

Priscilla Enninful said her daughter was the one who took care of her most of the time after her surgery but unfortunately, she could not live long with her.

Recounting the painful experience, she said, “It is interesting, my daughter is dead. She died 2015 and she also had breast cancer and she died after five years going on six. The sixth year that when she died. So, I don’t know what to say. Because of me she was very particular, and she was a nurse, so she knew exactly what to do.”

“I don’t know whether she was not as lucky as I was in terms of the surgeon who did the surgery and I do not want to blame anybody.” She added.

Breast cancer is known to be the most prevalent cancer among women with over two million diagnosed annually and over 600, 000 losing their lives.

The month of October has been set aside to educate people on the dangers of breast cancer and the need to undertake regular check-ups.

Doctors assure that when detected early, there is higher possibility of saving the lives of breast cancer victims.

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