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IEA Evening with Mills pushed to June 18

Tue, 10 Jun 2008 Source: GNA

Accra, June 10, GNA - The new date for NDC flag bearer, Professor John Evans Atta Mills, to appear on the "Evening Encounter with Presidential Candidates" organised by the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA Ghana), a public policy institute, is now Wednesday, June 18.

A statement by IEA on Tuesday, signed by Mrs Jean Mensa, Administrator, to the Ghana News Agency said: "The date for the Second encounter with Prof. Mills has been changed from Wednesday 11th June to Wednesday, 18th June, 2008. The date for NPP flag bearer remains as Thursday June 26."

The first Encounter was with the flag bearer of the Convention People's Party (CPP), Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom on Wednesday, 14th May, 2008. IEA reiterated that the encounter was for presidential candidates and "no substitute would be allowed to speak or make a presentation on behalf of a flag bearer".

"In the event that an aspirant is unable to make it, the Institute must be informed at least 96 hours before the said date of any change in date. A new date should be provided."

An IEA Ghana document on the Encounter indicates that it would also enable "the electorate to discern what each candidate stands for, what each aspirant intends to do and the direction in which each aspirant intends to take Ghana".

It said the Encounter platform would also serve as a way of ensuring that the electorate took ownership of the electoral process and provided a forum for accountability from the candidates even before they became president.

Mrs Mensa said: "It is the hope of the IEA Ghana that the 'Encounter' will divert political discourse from one of acrimony and personality attacks to an issue-based debate.

"The electorate would be enabled through the 'Encounter' to debate, analyse and critique the various aspirants to determine how realistic these plans are. This would deepen and promote multiparty democracy and good governance," she said.

Under the ground rules, there would be a welcoming address by the IEA after which the political party would be allowed five minutes to introduce its candidate who would be granted 30 minutes to make a presentation.

The candidate will then be asked three questions by the moderator to open up the discussion segment after which invited guests would be given the opportunity to ask questions based on the presentation. She said: "Those who wish to govern must allow themselves to be subjected to probing questions by the people, to ensure that they understand."

Source: GNA